Okay. 🙂
I have heard the blackbird sing in our garden and swans have been flying and calling – wonderful signs of spring… We have had windy and cold sunny days, and a bit warmer and sunny days, a few warm (around 10 degrees Celsius) sunny days, but naturally some grey (or… brown – no snow on the ground anymore) days, too. But yesterday it was first sleeting and then it was snowing…
A few snapshots:

By the lake Pyhäjärvi here in Satakunta region on Tuesday, a week ago.

I took this pic in the region of Etelä-Pohjanmaa – South Ostrobothnia, about 180 kilometres north from our home, on Saturday. (It was a bit over 10 degrees Celsius outside, yay!) My boyfriend had the chance to buy another forest there – the distance between his first forest and this second forest is about 40 kilometres. And this was the first time we went to see this new place.

There was still ice and snow on the forest road. We already had summer tyres, but luckily there were no bigger surprises…

We found the forest and there was still some snow in the forest as well.

I found beard lichen next to the forest. I love it! Beard lichen – the air is clean. 🙂
And we visited my boyfriends first forest, too, the place from where I have for example the moose videos here in my blog:

There, too, was still snow and it was even impossible to drive the road to our usual spot. (We kinda thought that there wouldn’t be snow anymore… ;p ) There were moose tracks in snow and water was flowing pretty loudly in the ditch and into the pond.
So we had a very nice road trip, charming country roads and all…
The rest of the pictures I took today:

My morning coffee~
So we didn’t have snow anymore… But now:

Already almost 10 centimetres of snow on the ground. But they say that it will be a bit warmer and that the sun will be shining again as well, after Wednesday.

- Leena