Some pics five days ago and today…

Spring really has sprung. It’s been very warm, 20 degrees Celsius and even a bit warmer for so many days, the sun’s been shining every day and it hasn’t rained. OK, and I visited Turku – I still have one part of my belongings there, but not for long anymore. 🙂 So, I spent three days in a block of flats, on the second floor, and I didn’t go outside at all. Probably had some things to do inside there. 😀 Now I’m back in our country home. In this blog post I have some pics I took on Thursday before travelling to Turku, and pics I took today. They’re like five days ago and today -pics of leaves and ‘stuff’, taken from the same spot. And it’s time to start taking pics of newly emerged or opened up flowers, too.


Leaves of redcurrant five days ago.


The same spot today. OK, and today I remembered again that it’s time to accept that the light dazzles and wind blows in summer when you take pics outside… 🙂


Buds in redcurrant five days ago…


…and the same spot today. There will be berries!


Raspberry leaves five days ago…


…the same spot today.


Lilac bush five days ago…


…and the same spot today. There’s already even a flower bud! Oh, how I love lilacs! 🙂 My favourite bushes. Luckily the previous owners of this house have liked them a lot, too… more pics of lilacs later… 😉


Leopard’s Bane or doronicum has opened up some of her flowers.


Narcissus buds and small grape hyacinth that suddenly emerged again last week. The previous owners of this house have planted these. And there’s narcissus and small grape hyacinth growing on several spots in the garden. More pics of all the flowers later on… Today I found out for example that we have here also quite big flower buds on some plants that I don’t remember knowing what they are and who planted them… 🙂

So this is the time of the year that you truly feel positively overwhelmed by it all… the constantly more and more emerging colour green, grass, leaves, buds, flowers – the abundance of nature all around us, everywhere. It wouldn’t be this amazing and miraculous if we didn’t have the long wintertime… Yesterday when I was travelling in the car from Turku to our country home here in Eura, I really was dazzled and amazed by everything around – the leaves and all that had grown so much in a few days, when I had been inside on the second floor for the three whole days. – It was like the best thing to do these days… 😀 But right now I need to get outside for a bit. So, here was this blog post, and let us take more pics of everything a bit later – right now the memory card of my camera is stuffed, too, and the battery is low. 🙂


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2 thoughts on “Some pics five days ago and today…”

  1. Heippa, hienoja kuvia jÀlleen. Hauska nÀhdÀ kuinka nopeasti kasvit kevÀÀllÀ kasvavat muutamassa pÀivÀssÀ. Tosiaan on niin, ettÀ jossei Suomessa olisi pitkÀÀ talvea niin ei tuntuisi niin mahtavalta tÀmÀ kesÀaika. Nyt on ehkÀ vuoden parasta aikaa kun ei ole vielÀ liian kuumaa ja aurinkokaan ei ole vielÀ polttava. EikÀ kuivuuskaan vielÀ erityisesti vaivaa ulkona olevia kasveja. MielestÀni on myös hienoa, kun kaikki on niin tuoretta ja raikasta. Tietysti keskikesÀssÀkin on puolensa, mm. uimavesien lÀmpiÀminen.

    TÀÀllÀ toisessa Satakuntalaisessa pikkukaupungissa on ollut ohjelmassa mm. siivousta, puutarhan hoitoa ja luonnonantimien hyödyntÀmistÀ (lÀhinnÀ voikukanlehtiÀ ja tuoreita nokkosenversoja olen vÀhÀn lisÀnnyt smoothieen). TÀytyykin mennÀ kasvihuonetta pesemÀÀn kun seinÀt ovat levÀttyneet.

    Mukavia alkukesĂ€n pĂ€iviĂ€ sinnepĂ€in 🙂

    Terveisin A

    1. Heips ja kiitoksia! Olinkin juuri tÀÀllĂ€ pistĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ seuraavaa sanomaa eetteriin. 🙂
      Voikukkaa ja nokkosta tosiaan nyt on, kiva kun voi ulkona napsia niitĂ€ ihan satunnaisestikin koska vaan ja ruohosipulia myös, sekin on nyt innostunut niin, ettei meinaa millÀÀn saada naposteltua samaa tahtia, kun sitĂ€ kasvaa. Nokkosta ja voikukkaa pitĂ€isikin saada laitettua nyt tĂ€nne eetteriin pĂ€inkin… Mutta olisihan noita kylvöjĂ€kin vielĂ€ tehtĂ€vĂ€nĂ€… Aina tulee muuten eri kaupoissa heiluteltua kasvihuoneiden seiniĂ€, ja mietittyĂ€, jokohan pitĂ€isi hankkia edes jokin minipieni, mutta ainakin vielĂ€ yritetÀÀn tulla toimeen ilman, kun ei varsinaisesti ole vielĂ€ mitÀÀn sinne laitettavaa, kun kaikkea ollaan laittamassa pihamaalle ja Ă€mpĂ€reissĂ€kin on yms… sellainen puu- ja lasiseinĂ€inen yhdistetty kesĂ€keittiö ja kasvihuone olisi hieno, mutta… rouvalla ei nyt ole tarpeeksi kahisevaa, ettĂ€ hĂ€n ei sitĂ€ ainakaan nyt tarvitse… 😀

      Mukavata alkukesÀÀ sinnekin! 🙂

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