It is coming! – Spring is almost here…

It’s March… quite nice, almost incredible! Lately we’ve had snow and sunshine, grey days, temperatures below freezing and wet snow… everything. And we just may have been hit by the biggest snowfall for this winter earlier this week as well – here in southern Finland we sometimes have this too-much-snow-too-late-it-should-have-been-at-Christmas -thing… But yes, this week’s snow, too, has already been melting. No one’s stopping spring! 🙂

The first 13 pictures I took today, the last two are from last night.

March moss

Moss magic at the summer flower bed…

March moss

backyard pine trees

Backyard pine trees.

March clover flower

A clover flower…

March strawflower

A strawflower flower… power. 😉


March annual mallow flower

An annual mallow flower…

March annual mallow flower

…and another…

March annual mallow flowers

…a few more…

March annual mallow flower

Perhaps I should plant annual mallow seeds, too, in many places in the garden this spring – then there would be some lace all around the garden in wintertime, how nice would that be? 😀

double sun

Double sun… 😉

March orange

An Egyptian friend…

March potato field

At the potato field…

Even though the days may be warm, the nights can be a bit cold:

it will be warmer

“I adjusted the thermostat so that it will be a bit warmer in here… is that okay…?”


“Purr… nice! I’m telling you…”
Our radiator tiger. 🙂


Frost & fire

It’s been chilly lately. Frost but no snow. Every once in a while the sun’s been shining through some broken patches of the cloud cover during the daytime, and the moon’s been so bright at nighttime. It’s been rather beautiful and magical, it all. 🙂

The first seven pics I took today.

December frost

Decorated in style, naturally…

oil lamp


My land. 🙂


frosty clover flower

A frosty clover flower.


My land, my power trees… my dreams… It’s good to have your own power trees! Everyone can have those; they are free! – You don’t have to like own the trees… but they are yours – on a much deeper level! 🙂


The last two pics I took on Sunday, late in the evening. I actually think that I have better pics of these things on my Instagram (owlnatureleena) – you win some, you lose some, when you try to take many pics of living fire with your phone and your camera, both… 🙂


A garden campfire… with some stars and the moonlight…

campfire pot

And I was heating my glögi, nicely warm to drink out in the cold.
